Five minutes with… Mimosa Meroni, windsurfing champion


Mimosa in competition

Many of us may have tried windsurfing for fun during the summer, but what happens when you realise you love the sport and are actually great at it? 

To find this out we interviewed Mimosa, a year 10 student in St Louis, who became a champion at this sport. 


When and why did you start windsurfing? 

“I started windsurfing when I was 8 and it was just a hobby [at first] but then it got really serious.” 

How do you manage to windsurf even though you live in Milan? 

“Mostly I go to Lake Garda on the weekends. When it’s too cold I go to the gym and train, but mainly I train during the weekends and the holidays.”

How do you feel windsurfing has impacted your life? 

“It has made it much better because I feel free when I’m doing it and it allows me to stop thinking about school and just be free on the water” 

What has windsurfing taught you? 

“Even though it is an independent sport I learnt the importance of sportsmanship because everyone is stressed during the races and everybody supports each other”

What do you believe allowed you to get to where you are? 

“I think self-confidence and the fact that I believed in myself. Also, I had lots of people supporting me which really helped me mentally to achieve my results.”

Have there been moments when you found it difficult and felt like giving up?

“Yes, this winter when my coach died of covid. It was really bad and I didn’t feel like continuing but I think that from now on I’m continuing for him even if it’s really difficult. Every achievement I reach is for both of us.” 

What motivated you to keep going?

“The fact that I actually enjoy it a lot. I enjoy doing it and getting away from everything.”

What did it feel like to win? 

“Only three seconds on the podium are nice, the rest is too stressful. But that moment is really nice and to see the people who trained me and my achievements makes me really happy.” 

Was there someone in particular who helped you through this journey? 

“Yes, my [late] coach actually helped me a lot.”

Do you think you could have done it on your own? 

“No, I don’t think so. The people outside my team and even my teammates helped me continue when some races went bad.”

How important do you think sport is in our everyday life?

“I think it’s actually really important and it changed me a lot as a person. It helped me to improve and understand other people. I think everyone should commit to a sport so that they have something they enjoy. They don’t have to race but it’s really important for everyone to have a goal, something that they [aspire] to. I also think it’s important to meet new people from other cultures. At nationals, it’s very interesting to see how other people from other nations manage their stress. Windsurfing also helped me cope with stress in other areas of my life like school.”

What advice would you give to a person starting a new sport or trying to get better?

“I would tell them not to stop even if it becomes really difficult because the learning stage is like that but once you actually learn it and get better it’s amazing, so just never give up!”


Mimosa’s words serve as an inspiration to persevere and to go after what we want even when it’s harder than letting go because when we do achieve our goals the feeling will be worth it.