Hallo Scream

As in previous years at Via Caviglia, the scare-o- meter
reached fever-pitch on October the 25 th , as a
bloodcurdling night unraveled, resulting in a number of
mysterious events and gruesome gossip.

2017 is and will always be remembered as the first year
where the Via Caviglia and Colonna sites united to
celebrate one of the most fiendish nights of the year, Halloween.

Wandering apprehensively around the building, guests mixed with unearthly
creatures of all shapes and sizes. From deadly zombies to possessed
mummies, blood-sucking vampires to creepy clowns, prehistoric dinosaurs to
diabolical demons, all were prepared and ready to partake in a satanic night
by doing one thing and one thing only… Party!

Every guest was given an eerie welcome into the uncharacteristically haunted
building of St. Louis School, adorned with cobwebs, gravestones and various
body parts. Corridors were infested by brutal beasts, ready to pounce on
anyone daring to trespass on their territory and in the distance the faint
sounds of a monster mash could be heard.

Entering the haunted hall, a daunting and exciting atmosphere awaited the
already terrified party-goers, while a spooky spread of food included
dangerous delights such as beastly brownies, wicked white chocolate sticks,
mummified mini hot-dogs and more! As the night started to heat-up, people’s
dancing spirits finally awoke and revealed themselves on the dance floor, with
some pretty horrific results!

Guests were blissfully unaware of one fact…
daring eyes were observing their attire from
their first steps into the building, ready to judge
them and decide the winners of the annual
Halloween competition. This year’s winner from
the male category was Federico B,
sporting an inflatable dinosaur costume; while
in the girl’s category, the lucky winner was
Emma B. Meanwhile, lurking in the pitch-
dark night, students from Colonna and Caviglia
exchanged frightening conversations about
things of this world and the next…

The 2017 Halloween Party was a roaring success which is sure to keep
students up at night for many weeks to come. Next year promises to be even
more devilish!