Students in Milan March To Keep The World Alive

On Friday the 27th of September students in Milan took to the streets to protest against Global Warming, other environmental issues and the lack of action from our politicians.

Thousands of people gathered in Piazza Castello, in front of the Castello Sforzesco, and started their walk towards the Duomo of Milan.  I asked a fellow student why he felt it was necessary to not go to school and to protest. He replied: “The damage we are doing to the earth and every living thing on it is the biggest problem on the planet at the moment. People need to take this more seriously. I believe going to this protest instead of going to school was worth it.”

The walk was a couple of hours long, and the journey was full of different chants. The protesters tried to involve people who were looking from their balconies by saying, “Scendi giù e protesta anche tu” which translates in English to ” Come down and protest too”.

The protests were not only in Milan but were taking place in a lot of cities not only in Italy but in the whole world. Greta Thunberg kickstarted this “Friday for Future” movement. In London, on the 20th of September,  100 thousand people participated in the protest.

I feel this movement is only going to grow in the coming months, and I am ready to take part again in any upcoming protests.