Star Wars’ Return – A Review

JJ Abrams has just released his first Star Wars movie, episode VII, The Force Awakens.

Release dates vary from the 15th of December 2015 in Los Angeles, California, to the 9th January 2016 in Pakistan. Since it’s release the 16th December in Italy, it has received a mixed amount of reviews from the public, where the audience was either tearing it apart and despising the director or praising him.

I can’t wait for the other films to come out!

— Diletta

The film lasts 2hours and 16 minutes. We can appreciate classic actors such as Harrison Ford playing the character of Han Solo, Leila Organa played by Carrie Fisher and Peter Mayhew who plays Chewbecca. We see two new characters, Ray which is played by the actress Daisy Ridley and Finn played by John Boyega. A cast, which I find to be very carefully chosen, has a positive impact on the film. The genre of the film is adventure, action and science fiction, a successful mixture. The film seems to be intended for a wide audience. When I went to the cinema there were children from the age of 6 to adults. The common denominator of the audience, instead of the age was being a Star Wars fan.

The film has been split into a trilogy, that occurs 30 years later after The Return of the Jedi. Luke Skywalker has disappeared and he needs to be found once again. Throughout the course of the 2 hours, the audience is taken through an emotional rollercoaster, caused by the constant arrival of new events and characters. The question is, will they be able to find Luke?

I personally adored the film. Before entering the cinema I had really high hopes of what JJ Abrams would have done with Lucasfilms, but he managed to exceed all of my expectations. I completely lost track of time whilst watching the film. There wasn’t a moment throughout the whole duration of the film, where I was bored. I was completely trapped in the world JJ Abrams created.

I found the characters to be well developed throughout the film, they were given enough space to show who they were but not too much to overshadow the others. The classic roles made a fantastic return to the big screen keeping the standards of the series high. The music, which was selected by John Williams, was well chosen and appropriate. The special effects, which were created by Chris Coubould were impeccable,  In some films you are able to notice certain effects and scenes that are filmed in front of a green screen. Instead, throughout this film you could not spot a single frame where this is noticeable. I found the storyline simple, yet effective, and I can’t wait for the other films to come out!