
Autumn. A season that can create different opinions. Summer is usually loved by people, where you can have fun and it’s vacation time, where you can travel the world. Spring filled with flowers and bright colours that represent the rebirth of nature. Winter, the period of time that brings families together at Christmas, or the time where the kids play with the snow. But what about Autumn? Poets write about this season, some negatively, some describe it as being and explosion. Explosion of colours and perfumes that fill our soul.

Listen! The wind Rising, and the air is wild with leaves. We have had our Summer Evenings, Now for October Eves

— Humbert Wolfe

Autumn is the moment where nature “dies”. The leaves turn orange, yellowish, then fall down. The wind blows colder. The animals start to store food for the cold winter. Autumn is the start of an end. The joyful colours and the happy moments start to become memories. This closing of the ecstatic season can be a symbol of the start of a season where an individual gets closer with its inside emotion. Autmun can be seen as a way of getting closer to the inner emotion of a person.

Some psychologists say that the people who don’t appreciate Autumn are usually the ones who aren’t at peace with their soul. This therefore tells us that Autumn is the season for those who are at peace with themselves.

Whoever does not appreciate the atmosphere of Autumn should start to explore themselves and maybe go to a park. Look around at the bright colours and smell Autumn dancing in the breeze. Look at the crunching crinkling of the Autumn leaves, swirling in the breeze.